Monday, 22 July 2013

Rohan & Gerda - Cowboy Birthday Party

Theme parties. Fun for adults to dress up and be crazy like the children they once were. Rohan and Gerda celebrated their 30th birthday with a wild East Rand cowboy theme. The Full Monte in Brakpan was made up in a 1880's decor and table settings. Tin cups and plates where used and lanterns for lighting.

Family and friends dressed up in jeans, leather, western shirts and cowboy hats. After the short speeches and wonderful dinner the dance floor was opened. Cowboys and cowgirls heated up the winter night with their dancing.

Thanks you Rohan & Gerda for having me documenting the celebrations and may God bless you with many many more fun filled birthdays! Lastly, thank you Carike for the opportunity to use my talents.


Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Ruan & Cherily - Trash The Dress

"Could we do trash the dress?" Ruan's request  a few weeks before the wedding. . "Yes, not a problem" came quickly out my mouth with out thinking. a Photoshoot that I didn't think I would get to do this early in my career.
8 o'clock and we were on the beach ready to hit the waves! Ruan and Cherily dressed for the occasion in their suit and dress. Freezing water but that didn't stop the newly weds to smile for the camera.
Thank you Ruan & Cherily for the great fun in the sun on the beach! 


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Carli Fanoy - 1st Birthday

Kiddies birthdays, where a photographer never rest. Kiddies are always on the move and exploring and catching them in the act makes the best memories.

My friends Marlein and Jacques Fanoy's baby girl, Carli turned one. With all the love and care in the family for Carli, this was no ordinary birthday party. The birthday girl took a nap and energized the little body for the BIG day. Family and friends got together for Carli's party. There was jelly babies, sour sweets, popcorn, fizzers and even coloured spaghetti to name a few for Carli's friends to enjoy. For the mommies and daddies podjie kos and wine to fill their tummies.

Thank you Marlein and Jacques for giving me the opportunity to document Carli's first birth. I'm looking forward to all the ones to follow.